From the Field

Research Notes: The Impact of Pre-K3 Programs on Elementary Enrollments, Student Supports

A new study by researchers from the Urban Institute and the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia examined the impact of public pre-kindergarten for 3-year-olds…

Remedial Education is One Step on the Path to College Completion

Fifteen years ago, the Obama administration and philanthropic foundations encouraged more Americans to get a college degree. Remedial classes were a big barrier.

WEBINAR: A Report Card on the College Remedial-Ed Reform Movement

In the early 2010s, a broad coalition of stakeholders launched one of the most impressive reform movements in American education: fixing college remedial…

Reality Check on Tutoring in Nashville

Matthew Kraft, an associate professor of education and economics at Brown University, was an early proponent of giving tutors — ordinarily a luxury for the rich…

Research Notes: Impact of Charter Schools on Academic Outcomes in Urban and Non-Urban Areas

A recent study by researchers Sarah Cohodes from the University of Michigan and Astrid Pineda from Columbia University’s Teachers College assessed the impact of…

Research Notes: Impact of Arkansas LEARNS Act on Teacher Salaries and Retention

Researchers Gema Zamarro, Andrew Camp, Josh McGee, Taylor Wilson, and Miranda Vernon from the University of Arkansas examined the early impacts of the Arkansas…

Research Notes: Study Finds Persistent Post-Pandemic Grade Inflation

New research by University of Washington researchers Dan Goldhaber and Maria Goodman Young reveals substantial grade inflation in the wake of the pandemic.

New Evidence Affirms Teachers Should Go Slow Using AI to Grade Essays

When ChatGPT was released to the public in November 2022, advocates and watchdogs warned about the potential for racial bias. The new large language model was…