Maureen Kelleher is former editorial director at FutureEd. She previously served as a writer, editor and editorial director at EdPost, a digital platform for education commentary and analysis. A former high school teacher, she was an award-winning writer at Catalyst Chicago and a contributor to the Upjohn Institute, a labor economics think tank, the Center for American Progress and the Center on Education Policy. She has written for Education Week, The 74, Chalkbeat and other platforms. Kelleher graduated magna cum laude from Yale and holds a master’s degree in teaching from the University of Chicago.

Work by Maureen Kelleher

Q&A: David Adams on Using AI to Improve Teacher Practice

It’s increasingly clear that generative artificial intelligence has the potential to play many valuable roles in schools. Urban Assembly…

Q&A: Kaya Henderson on Teaching Black History During the Culture Wars

Since the late 2010s, a wave of state laws has reshaped how schools can teach about race and racism in U.S. history. This legislative push has been coupled with…

What AP African American Studies and “The Holdovers” Have in Common

Too often, when people hear the words “intellectual rigor,” they associate it with a cantankerous, sage-on-the-stage pedagogy. The most recent pop-culture take…

Q&A: Allensworth on Grades Versus Tests in College Admissions

There has been much debate about the role of standardized tests in college admissions, including whether the SAT and ACT tests are more predictive of college…

Three Keys to Successful High-Dosage Tutoring

Virginia’s All in VA invests millions in high-dosage tutoring post-pandemic, a research-backed model proven to improve student learning outcomes

How North Carolina’s Schools Are Staffing Their Pandemic Recovery

An analysis of ESSER investments in staffing across North Carolina’s school districts

Q&A: Richmond on Catholic Schools in a Changing Education Landscape

Archdiocese of Chicago schools’ Superintendent Greg Richmond sat down with FutureEd’s Maureen Kelleher to talk about the future of Catholic schools.