Kristian Thymianos

Kristian Thymianos graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with a bachelor’s degree in political science and minors in public policy and German. Currently, Kristian is pursuing a Master of Public Policy at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy with a focus on education and labor policy. Before joining FutureEd, Kristian worked as a researcher at Brookings Mountain West in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Work by Kristian Thymianos

Research Notes: Study Finds Persistent Post-Pandemic Grade Inflation

New research by University of Washington researchers Dan Goldhaber and Maria Goodman Young reveals substantial grade inflation in the wake of the pandemic.

Research Notes: The Impact of Reducing Teacher-Licensure Requirements

As school districts around the country contend with teacher shortages, policymakers have sought ways to incentivize people to become teachers.

Research Notes: College Advising Boosts Hispanic Enrollment and Completion

Hispanics are the fastest growing demographic in the country and are expected to become public education’s largest constituency. But their college-enrollment…

Legislative Tracker: 2024 Teacher-Pay Bills in the States

Tracking 2024 legislation on efforts to increase teacher compensation through salary adjustments, bonuses, and other means

Research Notes: A Talk Tracker Encourages Students to Verbalize Their Thinking

The effects of TalkMeter, a computer program that tracked the dialogue and speaking times between CueMath tutors and students

Research Notes: Easing Academic Standards Hurts Struggling Students

Over the past decade, high school graduation rates and student grade-point averages (GPAs) have risen, but student achievement as measured by standardized…

Research Notes: New Evidence of the Value of Preschool

The Perry Preschool Project, a demonstration preschool that operated in Ypsilanti, Michigan, between 1962 and 1967, was created to study the impact of excellent…

Research Notes: Summer Learning’s Impact on Academic Recovery

A key strategy that school districts embraced for turning around learning loss post-pandemic has been summer learning, with more than 40 percent of school…