FutureEd Event (Past)

Building a 21st Century School System

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Two decades ago, Andreas Schleicher proposed a test that would compare academic results for students across the world. PISA now tests millions of students annually and offers insights into how U.S. students stack up internationally and what strategies can improve our education system.

Schleicher, director of education and skills at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris discussed  findings from his new book, World Class: How to Build a 21st Century School System, then joined a panel discussion on its lessons for American schools.

FutureEd Director Thomas Toch led the panel, which also included:

  • Chris Cerf, Former New Jersey Commissioner of Education and Former Superintendent of Newark Public Schools
  • Lily Eskelsen Garcia, President of the National Education Association
  • Hanna Skandera, Former New Mexico Secretary of Education
  • Claire Voorhees, National Policy Director for the Foundation for Excellence in Education

The discussion included a lively debate about how to expand teacher professionalism and about the proper role of school choice in providing opportunities for disadvantaged students.